Sunday, August 9, 2015

Goulbourn Twp Survey 1817

9 Aug 2015
Continued from 2 Aug 2015 entry.
"Meanwhile, the Surveyor-General in York, Upper Canada,
Thomas Ridout, lost no time and issued survey instructions
to Deputy Surveyor Reuben Sherwood on 24 Feb. 1816.
  Mr. Sherwood, assisted by surveyors Greaves and
McDonnell, commenced with the survey of No. 1 twp
(i.e. Bathurst) and produced the northerly boundry
eastward on a bearing of North 54 degrees East to its
intersection with Nepean Twp, which had already been
surveyed 20 years before.
  Another letter from the Surveyor- General, dated
26 June 1817 confirmed the instructions but now included
the names of five additional surveyors, ie. John Booth,
William Fraser, Duncan McDonnell, John Ryder and
William Conger.
  Upon receipt of the letter, John Ryder, a young deputy
surveyor from the township of Pittsburg, immediately
engaged ten men, including his younger brother Cornelius
and proceeded to Perth for more detailed instructions from
superintendent George Fowler. His assignment was to be
the survey of parts of No. 4 township, which meanwhile,
had been names after the British secretary for the Colonies,
Henry Goulbourn.
  After a short trip to Elmsley Twp., where new settlers had
problems finding the lot posts, Mr. Ryder and his men set
out for Goulbourn. After a long and exhausting trip, they
reached the southwest corner of the new township, on the
town line approximately two miles south of Prospect,
in the late afternoon of 28 July 1817.
  The following day, they began the survey by running
the boundary between Beckwith and Goulbourn on a
bearing of North 36 degrees West planting large wooden
posts at intervals 67.7 chains (4468 feet). This distance
consisted of the depth of each lot at 66.7 chains plus one
chain allowance for the road. (See sketch, to be added later)"

Next entry will be in two weeks.  Next week will be
letters J and K of Goulbourn Military Settlers.

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