Monday, February 15, 2016

Goulbourn Settlement

Surname B  [3rd of 4]
Brannagn, William  Con.6, Lot 11W  29 Mar 1825
      Farms and Families Pg 199; CCCbk #25 +
      1861 Census, Nil
Breadon, John  Con 9, Lot 10W  20 May 1824
      1861 census; Breadon, Wm. at York Co. age 61?
Brooke, John  Con. 5, Lot 5W  9 Sept 1825
      CCCBk  #29, 88+
      1861 Cen.  Brooke, Wm. at Perth age 64?
Brownley, Alex  Con 5, Lot 14E  1 May 1828
      CCCBk 156, 281+  No additional info/data
Brownlee, Jab? Jas, Con 5, Lot 15W  20 May 1824
      CCCBk 826+
      1851 Cen. Goulbourn, p.43d, 44a, (87), age 60
Brownley, James Sr. Con. 5, Lot 21W  1 May 1828
      No data. 17 persons with this name
Brownly, Robert  Con. 5, Lot 15E  1 May 1828
      CCCBk #553+  11 persons this name
      1851 Cen. Marlborough Twp. age 42 + 4 children
Brownly, Thomas  con. 5, Lot 12W  30 Sept 1822
      CCCBk #512  7 persons this name
Brownly, William  Con 3, Lot 21E  6 May 1828
      15 persons this name.
      1851 Cen. Goulbourn Twp. p.49d,50a (99)
Brush, John  Con 1, Lot 7W  19 July 1828
      CCCBk 160
      1851 Cen. Burgess Twp. p.3d,4a,(7) age 72
Buckley, James  Con. 12, L1W  31 May 1836
      CCCBk #1523
      Widow Honora, wife, Perth, Lanark Co. age 44

Note  CCCBk is Carleton County Copy Books.
         There are 5 of them at Ottawa City Archives
        4th listing next week for a total of 38 B names

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