[4 of 4 Surname M]
Mills, James Con.1, Lot 23W 30 Apr 1828
CCCBk #242, 569++; MUC page 24
Mobay, Richard Con. 4, Lot 4E 3 May 1828
Goulbourn Census, 1822 ea3; MUC page 9
Montgomery, Hugh Con. 5, Lot 11W 14 May 1827
McCabe List #297, 298; CCCBk #89, 368++
1842 Cen. Can. West, #1294, 1295; MUC page 9.
Montgomery, Robert Con. 4, Lot 9E 10May 1828
Goulbourn Cen. 1822 ea 4; CCCBk # 2037
Morgan, William Con. 11, Lot 31W 24 Oct 1821
Goulbourn Census, 1822 ea2; CCCBk # 56, 136++
McCabe List #564; MUC page 12
Morton, Thomas Con. 8, Lot 3E 28 Aug 1828
CCCBk # 159, 851++
Morton, William Con. 5, Lot 13W 24 Jun 1828
Con. 7, Lot 3W 5 Aug 1826
CCCBk # 28, 58+++; MUC page 35
Mulligan, Thomas Con. 11, Lot 22E 2 May 1828
Goulbourn Cen. 1821 ea 3; 1821 EA 3; 1822 ea 3
CCCBk #989
Myers, John Con. 7, Lot 16W 26 Apr 1831; and
Meyers, John Bathurst Cen. 1821, Con 5, lot 21;and
Miers, John CCCBk# 1079; 1842 Cen. Can. West
Goulbourn #1502, 1566
Note; Mulligan, Thos. Sr. CCCBk #841
Miligan, Thomas 1822 Cen. Huntley Twp ea 3
FF page 204
REF; Book "For King and Canada" by Barry Roberts
In appendix 13, page 238 to 243.
Goulbourn Settlers from 100th/99th Regiment
there are listed 143 soldiers and for each included;
Birth Place; Trade; Date Joined; Lot & Con. settled
and age on enlistment and in 1818.
With this entry for letter M, I am half way thru the alphabet and
there are 181 Names for the Civilians, exactly the same as the
number of Soldiers I entered in all of 2015. ??