Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Walking Around Canada

On 3 Dec 2009 I reached Dawson Creek, BC, which is Mile 0 [Zero]
on the Alaska Highway. I will now head north on my virtual walk to Inuvik
a distance of 2,626 K's.
Stay tuned.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Walking Goulbourn Twp. Concessions

Soldiers are in the 99th Reg't unless otherwise noted.
Tarman, John, 37th Reg't; Tarman, Joseph, Sgt, 37th Reg't;
Thompson, William, 37th Reg't; Tighe, Richard;
Timmins, Patrick; Tully, Patrick.

Vaughan, William, Sgt.

Walsh, John 1st; Walsh, John 2nd; Walsh, Stafford; West, James;
Whealan, John, 37th Reg't; Whitbourne, Benjamin, 37th Reg't;
Whitmarsh, Herbert, Commissary Dept;
Wilson, Andrew, Royal Navy, Commander, Lived near Hoggs Back;
Wilson, Hugh; Withers, John.

Yorke, John, 37th Reg't.

This completes the listing of Military Settlers in Goulbourn Twp.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Walking Goulbourn Twp. Concessions

Military Settlers of Goulbourn Twp. [99th Regiment unless ststed otherwise]

Sackley, Stephen, 37th Reg't; Schweitzer, Charles. 60th Reg't, Sgt;
Shannon, James; Shea, William, 41st and 99th; Sheridan, James;
Simpson, Joseph, 104th, Ensign; Smith, Michael, 37th Reg't;
Spearman, Andrew, Sgt; Stanzel, Joseph, 60th Reg't;
Sullivan, Patrick; Sykes, John.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Walking Goulbourn Twp. Concessions

All members of 99th Reg't except as noted.

Rath, Thomas; Reed?, Thomas; Rettig, Peter, Sgt. 60th Reg't;
Reynolds, Michael; Rickey, George; Ryan, Edward.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Walking Goulbourn Twp. Concessions

More Military who settled in Goulbourn Twp. All 99th Reg't except as noted.

Nash, Martin, 37th Reg't; Nesbitt, William; Nichols, Abraham;
Nutterville, Thomas.

O'Brian, John; O'Connor, Daniel; O'Hara, John; O'Hara, Michael;
Ormsby, Sewel, Lt.

Pack, Samuel, 37th Reg't; Patterson, William; Pender, William;
Phillips, John.

Quinn, Robert; Quinn, Hugh [BOTH MAY BE THE SAME PERSON??]

Friday, September 4, 2009

Walking Around Canada

On 28 Aug 2009 I reached Prince George, BC on my virtual walk around Canada.
I am next heading to Dawson Creek "Mile Zero" on Alaska Highway, a distance of
329 K's
For a complete list of stops along the way since I left St. John's NFLD
1 March 2004 see my earliest post this blog 28 Nov 2008

Friday, August 7, 2009

Walking Around Canada

Last Saturday, 1 Aug. 2009, I passed thru Vanderhof, BC on my way to Prince George, BC. For a complete listing of my virtual journey from St. John's, NFLD see my first post this blog.
Due to summer holidays my other activities have slowed to a crawl

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Builders of Rideau Canal/ Bytown

Douell, Joseph; Dougan, Patrick; Douglass, Edward; Dow, Abraham, Lamira,
Marbel, Samuel; Dowgard, Charles; Dowie, Samuel; Down, Thomas; Downey,
William, Henry; Downs, James; Doxey, James, Thomas; Doyle,James, John,
Owen, Patrick; Doyster, Conrad; drake, Albe, Albon, Robert, William;
Draper, Thomas; Dromgoole, P; Drummond, Robert; Duan, Maurice;
Dubois, Charles; Dubray, Justin; Dubreuile, Hyacinthe; Dudges, Edward;
Dufau, Clement; Duff, James; Duffy, widow, Hugh, Isaac, Thomas; Dufour, H;
Dufraux, D. N; Duga, Joseph; Dugan, Cornelius, Patrick, Dennis, John;
Duharme, Joseph; Duke, Robert; Dumond, Francois; Dunbar, John; Duncan,
James, Thomas; Dunlap, Crawford; Dunn, Mathew, Peter, Thomas;
Dunning, David, William; Dupuis, Maurice; Durie, William Rev; Dunford,
Colonel; Durning, Patrick; Duvanny, Patrick; Dyer, John; Dykes, James;

Builders of Rideau Canal/ Bytown

Dadget, Edward; Daily, John, Richard, Robert, Cornelius; Dalhousie, Earl of;
Dandurand, Couturier A; Danseau, Remon; Darcey, Mathew, Patrick, John;
Darick, Joseph; Darling, Marshall, Sarah widow; Daul, Baptiste; Davey, Edward,
Michael, Thomas, William Rev; Davidson, John; Davis, Robert, William, Henry;
Deevy, James, Michael; Dawson, Charles, W.W; Day, Samuel; Decombe, P.;
de Brie, Erysonthe; Decosse, Louis; Delahanty, Edmond; Delahunt, Thomas;
Delany, John; Delarme, Charles; Delone, Eustach; Dempsey, Sgt; Dennison, M.
William, W.T. Lieut; Derby, John; Derbyshire, Stewart; Derway, John Baptiste;
Desham, An; Desloges, Pierre; Devany, Patrick; Devlin, James; Dexter, William;
Dick, John, Mr. Rev; Dickey, James; Dickinson, Moss Kent; Dixon, Thomas, Andrew;
Dignan, Bartholomew; Dillon, Simon; Dilworth, William; Dobson, John, Robert,
Joseph, William; Doherty, Edward, Joseph; Dole, David; Dolin, Thomas; Dollar, Robert;
Donahoe, Jeffry; Donatey, Phelix; Donnee, Henry; Donelly, Thomas; Donic, Henry;
Donnelly, James, Phelix, Thomas; Donohue, Jeff, Michael; Donoher, Thomas;
Donovan, Cornelius; Doolin, James, Michael 1, Michael 2; Doran, James;
Dorcey, John; Dorion, Baptiste; Doris, Edward; Dorne, Leon;

Walking Around Canada

On 25th June I passed thru Burns Lake walking towards Prince George, BC
Next Vanderhoof 128Ks'

Monday, June 15, 2009

Builders of Rideau Canal/ Bytown

Coughlin, Patrick; Coules, James; Courrevett, Francois; coursey, Michael;
Courtney, Samuel; Coverell, Francois; Cowan, John, Thomas; Cox, Ralph;
Coyle, Michael; Craghan, James; Craig, John [2], Jarvis, William; Crailen,
James; Crapeau, I.B; Craselle, Joseph; Crawford, John; Creegan, James;
Creely, Charles; creighton, Alexander, John; creswell, Robert; Crimmin,
James; Crochet, Mr; Crosby, John; Crothers, John; Crowley, John;
Cruikshanks, John [Rev]; Culbertson, James; Cuddage, Thomas;
Cuddy, Michael; Cuffman, John; Cullar, John; Cullen, Anthony, J. [Rev],
John, Simon; Cully, Patrick; Culter, Michael; Cummings, Charles, John,
John Thomas, Robert; Cunningham, John, Michael; Curey, Ebriham;
Curns, Robert; Curran, Morgan, Thomas, Robert; Currier, B.S; Curry, D,
Michael, Neil, P; Cussa, Amable; cuthbert, Thomas; Cuthbertson, James;
Cuzner, John

Builders of Rideau Canal/ Bytown

Clasken, Philip; Clayton, John; Clede, Thomas; Clegg, James, William; Clements,
Robert, Gustavus, Colonel; Clifford, John; Clogg, Philip; Close, John; Closey, Thomas;
Cloutier, C.; Cloutire, Isaac; Clowes, Samuel; Cloy, John; Clyma, William;
Cummins, Patrick; Coal, Samuel; Cobb, Horatio; Cochlan, Andrew; Cochrane,
Arthue, John; Coffee, John; Colbourne, John Sir; Cole, Pennel Capt, Nathaniel,
Samuel, Thomas; coleman, David; Colgan, John; Coll, James; Colliger, John;
Collins, Jehiel, Michael, Patrick, Thomas, Timothy; Collis, Christopher; Colton,
Luther; Combes, William; Comford, Patrick; Comley, William; Commins, Patrick;
Conice, Eustice; Connell, Mathew, Robert; Connelly, Michael; Connor[O'], Denis,
Cornelius; conran, Mathew; Conroy, William; Consigne, Joseph; Conttourie, John B;
Coogan, Jan; Coombs, John, William, Joseph; Copeland, William; Corbasson, James;
Corkeran, Arthur; Corkery, John; Corlin, Patrick; Corneau, Antoine; Costello, Andrew,
John,Patrick; Costole, Matthew; Cote, Antoine; Coten, John; Coteu, John;

Builders of Rideau Canal/ Bytown

Cahere, Archibald, Thomas; Cail, Pat, Richard; Calder, Hugh, William; Caldwell, Thomas;
Callahan, Owen; Calloway, James; Cameron, Allen, Daniel, John, Kenneth; Campbell, Alex.,
Charles, Francis, Jane, John, Robert, Wilfred, William; Cannon, Rev. John; Cantin, Baptist;
Cantlin, Dennis; carbery, James; Carey, Miss, Mr.; Carleton, Sir Guy; Carman, Barbare, Jacob;
Carpenter, Gabriel; Carrigan, Mathew; Carol, William; Carroll, Patrick, William;
Carruthers, John; Carswell, William; Carthy, William; Carture, Michael; Carty, Dennis,
John, William; Casey, James, William; Cashman, John; Cassels, R.W.; Cassey, Henry;
Cassidy, Patrick, Thomas; Castle, John;Catinnah, Joseph; Catrow, John; Cawley, John;
Cayne, James; Celly, Fraser; Chabolley, J. [JP]; Chaffey, Thomas; Chalifoux, Joseph;
Challein, James; Chalmers, James; Chamberlain, Edmund; Chambreau, James;
Chansey, Michael; Chapman; Charpentier, Gabriel; Chastreuil, Henry; Chellepeau, Joseph;
Chitty, John; Christie, A.J. [Dr.], James; Chubbock, Maria Mrs.; Clare, Thomas;
Clark, James, Peter; Clarke, Lewis, Peter;

Monday, June 8, 2009

Walking Around Canada

On Thurs. 4th June I passed thru Houston, BC, eastbound towards Prince George, BC,
having covered 8,162K's since leaving St. John's NFLD. on my virtual walk 1st Mar. 2004

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Walking Goulbourn Twp. Concessions

All soldiers in 99th Regiment unless noted otherwise [Ma - Mu]
Malone, James; Maxwell, Joseph, Lt; Medly, Richard; Morrow, Foster; Mulholand, James;
Mullen, Jervis; Murphy, John, Patrick; Murray, Thomas, John.
McAllier, James; McCabe, Alexander, Thomas; McCalla, Robert; McCarthy, John, 103rd Reg.Sgt
McCaslin, Alexander; McDonald, Henry; McEvoy, James; McFadden, William;
McGarry, James; McGinn, Peter; McGrath, Maurice, 37th Reg; McGregor, John;
McGuire [Maguire] John, Thomas; McKaye, Trevor; McKill, James; McLaughlin, Hugh;
McMaster, Peter; McQuade, Michael; McRorie, James.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Walking Goulbourn Twp Concessions

193 years of settlement in Canada

Joseph Stanzel, Pte, discharged from 2nd Battalion of 60th Regiment of Foot
on 17 May 1819 (WO12/6883) and settled near Ashton, Goulbourn Twp, Con. 9, Lot 3 East 1/2.
Joseph was previously in the 5 Batt'n and came to Canada with a draft of 400 soldiers
arriving at Quebec on 5 Oct. 1818 (WO 12/6946). The 5th Batt'n became part of the Rifle Brigade which was formed from the 95th Reg. of Foot being withdrawn from Reg's of the Line. This created a gap in numbering of reg'ts so 96th became the new 95th. This is why the 100th Reg. [raised in Ireland and arrived in Canada in 1805 became the new 99th Reg. which settled Goulbourn Twp in 1818] This occured in Feb 1816
This twp was part of the Rideau Military settlements and was the second one after the
Perth Military Settlement of 1816
Goulbourn was the second settlement of present Ottawa area. First was Philemon Wright settling in Hull in 1800. Third was the settlement at Bytown soon after the start of the building of the Rideau Canal in 1826/1827.

Updated 21 May 2012

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Walking Goulbourn Twp. Concessions

All soldiers are with the 99th Reg't
Lackey, William; Larkin, Martin; LeCharity, Francois; Lee, John; Lennon, James;
Lewis, John; Loughrea, Daniel; Lyon, George, Lieut.

Walking Goulbourn Twp. Concessions

All listed are with th 99th Reg't
Kean, William; Keely, James; Keilty, John; Kerrison, Simon; Kitt, Charles.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Walking Goulbourn Twp. Concessions

Jones, James; Jones, Thomas, Cpl; Joynt, Galbraith Captain. 103rd Regiment;
Junkin, Dean
All 99th Reg't unless otherwise mentioned

Walking Goulbourn Twp. Concessions

Hagarty, Thomas; Hamrock, Henry, 60th Reg't; Harkin, John Jr. John Sr;
Harrison, David, Royal Waggon Train; Hayes, Henry, Hiram; Hicks, John, 37th Reg't;
Hill, Andrew; Hughes, Simon, William.
All 99th Reg't unless otherwise mentioned

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Walking Around Canada

Yesterday, 27 April 2009, passed thru Hazelton, BC [8029 K's from St. John's NFLD] on my way to Prince George BC,

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Walking Goulbourn Twp Concessions

Gales, Robert, Sgt; Gibson, John, Musican; Gibson, Robert; Green, Robert, Drummer, born
Quebec, Lower Canada; Green, Robert, born Montreal, Lower Canada; Green, Thomas,
born Quebec, Lower Canada; Guile, Thomas, 37th Regiment.
All 99th Reg't unless otherwise noted

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Builders of Rideau Canal/ Bytown

BUCHANAN, George; BUCHER ; Joseph; BUCK, Daniel, Thomas; BUCKLEY, B., George; BULGER, Timothy; BULLEN, Henry; BURGESS, Henry Howard, Thomas; BURGMAN, Lt.;
BURGOYNE, John; BURK, Cornelius, G, John, Michael, Thomas, William; BURKE, Daniel,
Dominick, George Robert, George Thew Col., Henry, J. T., John, Michael, Patrick, Thomas;
BURN, George, Martin; BURNEL, John; BURNETT, Hugh, Robert; BURNS, Alexander, Edward,
John, Michael, Thomas Gilespie, William, James; BURPEE, Julius, Silas; BURROWES, Amelia,
George, James, John By, Thomas, Thomas George; BURROWS, George, Henry Joel, James,
John, Philip Palmer, Theodore Arthur, Thomas; [John Burrows Honey] BURRY, Luc, William;
BURT, Daniel; BURWASH, Miss; BUSHEY, Custus; BUTLER, James; BY, Ester [March],
John Lt. Col, Lucy; BYNG, Capt; BYRNE, Edward, James, Rev. Mr; BYRNES, James, John;

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Builders of Rideau Canal/ Bytown

BLACK, James; BLACKWOOD, John; BLANEY, Patrick; BLAISDELL, Nathaniel; BOHANAN, Henry; BOLTON, Daniel, Major; BORDIN, Michael; BORN, John; BORTHWICK, David; BOTT,
Eleanor [Widow], John; BOUCHER, John; BOUCHETTE, Joseph; BOULDUC, Peter; BOUNDLY,
James; BOURK, John T; BOURKE, Edward, John, William; BOWLAND, Alexander; BOYD,
William J.; BOYLE, Charles, Daniel, Henry, Robert, Thomas, Miles; BRADLEY, Clements Lt, James, Lt. Colonel, Robert; BRADY, James, Micheal, Patrick, Thomas; BRANACK, Stephan;
BRASSARD, Charles; BRAY, Robert; BRENNAN, Nicholas, Patrick, William; BREST, Mathew;
BRIGO, Charles; BRISCOE, Lt; BRISLIN, James; BROAD, James, William R; BROMLEE, Henry; BROPHY, Mathew, Walter; BROWN, Charles, Jane [widow], John, Richard; BRUNETTE,
Jerome, Thomas; BRUNNOCK, Stephen; BRUSH, John; BRUSLANE, James; BRUSSY, Antoine;
BRYAN, James, Laurence, Maurice.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Builders of Rideau Canal/ Bytown

BAGGS, John; BAILEN, Simon; BAILEY, Robert, Richard; BAIRD, Charles, Edward H, N.H.;
BAKER, Frederick, Godfrey W, Thomas; BALDWIN Wm. Henry; BALLARD, Thomas; BALLET, John B; BAPTISTE, Jean, Joseph; BARB, Francis; BARBER, James, Joseph; BARNAN, R; BARNES, Charles; BARNETT, Edward, Joseph, William; BARNEY, Robert M; BARNUM, Richard; BARR, H.C; BARRETT, Charles, John, Thomas; BARRY, Luc, John, Jonas, Thomas, William; BARTON, Benjamin; BARTRAN, Baptiste; BARTRAND, B, M; BATTLE, John, Patrick;
BAUBY, George; BAUDOIX, Isaac; BAXTER, James, Thomas; BEARMAN, James; BEATTY, Alexander, Daniel; BEAUPARLANT, Francis; BEDARD, Jean Bapt; BELFORD, Henry, John, William; BELL, Hugh, James, William; BELLIS, Austin; BELLOWS, Caleb T, George L, J.L;
BENJAMIN, Lieut; BENNETT, John, Patrick, Robert, William; BENOIT, Alexander, Joseph;
BERICHON, Isaac; BERLING, Timothy; BERNARD, J.D; BERRY, Andrew, James, Nathaniel, Thomas; BERTHOLET, jEAN BAPT; Besserer, Louis T; BETHUNE, Mr; BIGSBY, John J. MD;
BILLINGS, Bradish; BIRTCH, Elizabert, Robert; BISHOPRICK, Henry

Monday, March 9, 2009

Walking Goulbourn Twp Concessions

FALLAHEE, John, 99th Reg't. [Remainder all 99th unless noted] FALLON, James; FENNER, Benjamin, 68th, Reg't; FERRIS, James, RS & M; FERRY, William, Royal Artillery Driver;
FITZGERALD, Garrett; FLEMMING, George; FORSYTH, Adam; FOYE, Patrick (Roger?);
FRASAR, Hugh, Royal Marine Artillery??.

Walking Goulbourn Twp Concessions

Due to a small number of "E" surnames this post will contain both Military and Settlers names.
EADEY, Robert, 37th Reg't; ELLISON, John, 104th Reg't; Military, remainder Settlers
EDGE, George, Sr. & Jr. EVANS, David, Rev'd, Jeramiah; EYNOUF, Stephen and Stephen, Jr.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Walking Around Canada

Yesterday, 28 February 2009, I completed 5 years of Walking around Canada. I was eastbound on Hwy 16, 20 K's west of Terrace, BC between Prince Rupert, BC and Prince George, BC. I started my walk on 1 March 2004 at St. John's, Newfoundland NOTE Refer to first entry on my blog for a detailed progress report of my walk

Friday, February 20, 2009

Walking Goulbourn Twp. Concessions

Military Settlers, 99th Regiment of Foot unless otherwise mentioned;
Dempsey, Sylvester Sgt; Dennison, John; Denver, Patrick; Devaney, Patrick 37th Reg; Devon, James; Donahoo, Martin Royal Artillery Driver; Douras James; Dunbar, John; Dunlop, James RS&M; Dwyer, John

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Builders of Rideau Canal/ Bytown

Ansley, Amos, Rev., Andrew,William; Archbold, Michael; Ardell, John; Ariel, Pierre; Arle?kan,Francois; Armiet, J.; Armstrong, Henry, James, John, Joseph, Patrick, Samuel, Simon, Thomas, William; Arnton, John; Artibis, Joseph; Atkinson, David, Robert; Audet, David, Louis; Audette, Francois; Audi, Fred'; Ausqua, Joseph; Aylen, Thomas; Ayras, Joseph; Ayres, John, Richard;

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Builders of Rideau Canal/ Bytown

Abbott, Francis Sr. and Jr, also Lived in Goulbourn; Acheson, David;Adam, William, 15th Company Royal Sappers and Miners [RS&M]; Adams, Robert; Adams, Sgt.;Adamson, John, Sgt. Glengarry Light Inf.; Adamson, James; Addison, William, Sgt. 7th Coy, RS&M and 1st Lockmaster Entrance Locks, Bytown; Agnew, James, School teacher; Alexander Thomas and William; Allan, Robert; Allen, Joseph, Patrick,Robert and William; Alton Bindin B.; Amyot, John;
Ammond, Baptiste; Anderson, Alexander, James and John; Andrew, Haslet and James; Andrews, Charlotte, Ira Honeywell's wife [1811] and early school teacher; Anhobus, Joseph

Walking Around Canada

To-day I reached Prince Rupert, BC after an overnite Ferry ride from Port Hardy on Vancouver Island. Distance from St. John's Nfld is 7742K's. Next stop Terrace, BC, 147K's [See log of complete trip dated 28 Nov 2008, first entry]

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Walking Goulbourn Twp Concessions

This post contains Military Settlers whose surname starts with Letter "C".
[99th Reg. unless noted].
Caffery John, Campbell Patrick, Cardell Partick, Cassidy Michael, Cavanaugh Peter, Chapman John [Drummer], Chapman Richard, Clarke Thomas, Clohecy Robert [RS&M] Clooney John [Drummer], Coffee John, Cole Ezekial [37th Reg.] Collis Richard [6th Reg. Ass. Surgeon], Cooke William [37th Reg], Cosgrove Edward, Cox Thomas [Sgt], Coyle Michael [Sgt], Crozier John, Cullin John.